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Innovation must for growth, say experts

Bangalore, Nov 23, DHNS:

The All India Management Association (Aima), on Tuesday, began the Global Innovation Conference on the theme, ‘Inclusive growth through business model innovation: A mantra for high performance.

Presenting the theme, Nasscom Chairman Harsh Manglik said innovation typically steps from team effort, which is more organised. Inclusive innovation must be in the context of target audience, for which it should be affordable. He opined that owing to India’s vastness, demography, socio-cultural factors and so on, the country provided firm ground for innovations to take shape. Inclusive innovation could be undertaken in the realms of financial inclusion, education, technology and so on.

Deccan 360 Founder G R Gopinath explained the importance of innovation in entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur needs to keep innovating to compete and become successful. For success of innovation, self-trust and ability to persist are key.


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